
Promoting a book can come with its fair share of challenges – part 2

Bloom where you are

Promoting a book can come with its fair share of challenges

Promoting a book can come with its fair share of challenges. Here are some common ones that authors often face: 1. Building an audience: One of the biggest challenges is finding and building an audience for your book. It takes time and effort to reach the right readers who would be interested in your book. […]


Senior Radio Buffalo

Last Wednesday, I had the privilege of being an honored guest on Senior Radio Buffalo, this wonderful city’s #1 senior show.  Linda Pellegrino, the host, and I engaged in a heartfelt conversation about my two-year journey with my 88-year-old mother, Celia, who passed away last May of vascular dementia.  Linda and I gracefully engaged through […]


Dave’s Sacrifice During The Vietnam War

I had lunch at Duffy’s restaurant in Sarasota, FL when I met a Vietnam Vet named Dave. He shared various stories concerning the war and he stated, ‘Thirty-one of my friends were killed in action when I was twenty years old. This happened 54 years ago!’ With that being said, Dave stepped on a landmine […]


Pink Roses Have Thorns

One day last spring my mother, Celia, was admiring the pink rose bouquet I bought her while I was arranging these beautiful roses in a vase. One of the roses pricked me and my index finger started to bleed. Mom giggled and said, ‘Watch out honey, pink roses have thorns!’ Lol. Pink roses look beautiful […]

Mothers Day Without Celia

Mother’s Day Without Celia

Our mother, Celia passed away May 21, 2024 from vascular dementia. It was on Mother’s Day last year on a sunny Sunday when I was completing a post for social media at Highland Park in Rochester, New York. The lilacs were in full bloom and you could smell their fragrance and I decided to close […]



Do you have a dependable team that makes you better? Have you hired out your weaknesses to make your business more effective and profitable? I have.  As I embarked on the daunting task of writing our book, I realized it would take ‘unity in community’ to be able to positively impact thousands of individuals around […]

Leadership Values

Leadership Values

According to Merriam – Webster, leadership is defined as the capacity to lead, the office or position of a leader, and the act or instance of leading. I was counseling a group of students last week who asked me, ‘What does leadership mean to you?’ My answer to the group of aspiring leaders was to […]


 Mindset Is Everything 

Are you stuck in a dead-end job and or a profession you just can’t find or salvage the passion for? Maybe you need a change? How is your mindset? A negative mindset will continually decrease your confidence level to where you’re afraid to ‘step out of your comfort zone’ and opportunities will be missed. A […]


Preparation Meets Opportunity

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.  Benjamin Franklin Over the years, I’ve talked with thousands of students concerning their preparation for getting good grades, balancing their schedule via academics and sports, as well as trying to follow their parent’s and or guardians’ leadership. Some years ago, I heard a sermon on The […]

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