My 87-year-old mother, Celia, suffers from Vascular Dementia. Up to 20% of dementia cases have a vascular cause. According to research, 13.9 percent of Americans age 71 and older have some dementia. Vascular Dementia accounts for 2.4 percent.
From one generation to the next…
Celia and Hayes, her great-grandson…
She has vascular dementia. When she has a tough day, she glances up at one of the pictures of Hayes and smiles! 😊
The Life is a Classroom Foundation is dedicated in honor of Joseph, my father, who passed away from cancer in 2004, as well as Celia, who suffers from Vascular Dementia. Our foundation gives back to schools & churches globally.
*We will give back to Guyana, South America 🇬🇾 via orphanages & schools in the coming months.
To learn more about Dementia, please tune into our episodes on Dementia via The Life is a Classroom Podcast on 🍎Apple Podcasts.
#fightdementia #dementiaawareness (IG)
#love 💕 #family #dementiaawareness