Preparation Meets Opportunity

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.  Benjamin Franklin

Over the years, I’ve talked with thousands of students concerning their preparation for getting good grades, balancing their schedule via academics and sports, as well as trying to follow their parent's and or guardians’ leadership.

Some years ago, I heard a sermon on The Three Keys to Leadership: Knowledge, commitment, and passion. This resonated with me throughout my college years, season and banking, period of life as a classroom teacher, my two-year stint as a Dean, and most emphatically as a school counselor/Life Design Coach as well.

I’ve mentored my 26-year-old co-host, Sam for the past four years in these areas:

Knowledge: To become a lifelong learner…

Commitment: To never give up on a goal you're working towards …

Passion: IF you gain knowledge through study and or implementing this knowledge in daily living as well as commit to achieving one small goal at a time via systems/procedures to benefit others, passion will arise! It did for me.

With that being said, please tune into our LIAC  podcast episode focusing on Knowledge, Commitment, and Passion! 

*Book worms: please click on our team’s link 🔗 and scroll down to our Bloom link 🔗 to become part of our June 30th launch 🚀 team for our book: “Bloom Where You Are” Coach N.  #bloomwhereyouare

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